How to increase the Informatica Repository performance.

As we know Informatica Repository is always a huge store of legacy code & collection of growing meta data. Sometimes the older versions of the objects create inconsistency in the metadata. It’s always to clean up the older versions of the objects & keep only newer as well as needed versions of the objects to avoid any inconsistency in metadata. Again there are lots of other causes which impacts on the performance of the Informatica environment. Some of the below periodic housekeeping activities would help to improve the performance.

  • Truncating the older logs (stats) from the repository : As everyday jobs are scheduled to run, load stats & history of the jobs getting stored in the repository tables & views which is also one factor increases the burden on the repository services to insert & retrieve the meta data. The possible option to clear the historical stats & keep it only the recent stats history. Use the truncate logs option in the repository manager or pmrep truncatelogs command to truncate the historical stats.
  • Purging the older versions of the objects from each of the DataMarts  : Keeping unwanted older versions of the folder sometimes increases the inconsistency in the metadata better to keep only active new versions of the objects to have the consistency. You can use the “pmrep purgeobjectversion” command to purge the older versions of the objects from each of the folders & keep the repository up to date. It also help reducing the size of the repository backup .rep file incase if you’ve set to take the repository backup everyday which in turn help avoid the unwanted occupancy on the storage space.
  • Dropping (Deleting)unwanted, legacy backup folders from the repository : Most of the times as the newer code deploys to production, Development teams have the habit of keeping the backup copy of the production in development environment before & after the code deployments to production. Which increase the size of the environment & reduces the performance of the repository unless if we’ve the enough storage on the repository database, Also keeping multiple copies of the same folders increases the complexity in the environment. It’s always better to keep only the active folders in the repository & drop the inactive unwanted folders.
  • Periodically execute the “pmrep updatestatistics : Most of the tables in the Informatica repository uses the index to speed up the querying. Many times database servers do not frequently update the statistics it’s better to execute the “pmrep updatestatistics” on the Informatica server. Which updates the statistics for repository tables & indexes.
  • Periodic cleanup of files system on the Informatica OS servers : One more important thing in lifecycle of the Informatica environment is to manage the space on the Informatica OS servers or storage. Every time the Jobs get executes those writes SessLogs, WorkflowLogs, Cache, Temp files & some business scripts sftp the files & writes to the storage on the server if these files are not set to replace for each run those would be occupying the huge amount of space on the storage it’s always better to have a shell script scheduled to remove the older copies of these files.
  • CPU & Memory : Periodically monitor the CPU & Memory consumption on the OS server & verify which process associated with respective job consuming the more CPU & memory. Compare the volume growth in the data the session is loading with previous runs & work with development team to enhance the performance for that specific job.
  • Storage, Cache & Temp : Always set the separate storage location for the Storage, Cache & Temp (default location is $INFA_HOME/server/infa_shared) if you allow those files to be created on the default location it would sometimes impact to Informatica services by occupying the entire space. Also whenever if you’ve the outages always better to clean the three directories (Storage, Cache & Temp) & start the services you can see the integration service & repository services creating the fresh files when you're bringing up the services.

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